Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mission trip: Tudan Methodist Church by AU

The mission trip to Tudan Methodist Church was my first time in the mission field. In the beginning, when I knew the date of this mission trip fell on 27th June, I felt conflicted due to my foundation final exam being on 7th of July. However I still wanted to challenge myself, and feeling that this is my responsibility as a Christian, I made the final decision to go for this trip. When the date of the trip approached, my body started showing a lot of red blots, and those made me felt itchy. A close friend who had this similar ailment before gave me a skin ointment and advised me not to go. However, feeling that this being a challenge from God, I still joined with a brave heart.

All seemed well until a sudden announcement that my Accounting class replacement would be on 27th of June. I immediately told Tsy that I would be late to the trip. She kindly arranged for me to participate after the night fellowship. At the same time, I also told my situation to Pastor Jabez, and his wife prescribed me medication to further treat my skin problem. I felt really touched and am still really appreciative of them. I felt guilty as well for burdening the people around me, but I made up my mind to do better in the remaining days of the mission trip.

On the second day, my group leader, JC, gave me the task to evangelize. He told me that since I had missed it on the first day, I had to do it now on the second day. At that moment, I felt discouraged because I did not seem to know much on how. I prayed to God to give me courage to face this evangelism challenge. When we reached our destination, I saw a garbage dump area filled with uncountable piles of rubbish. My groupmate, AW, told me that the people living here survive on the dirty pond water with floating rubbish for bathing and drinking, and the villagers here are seriously poverty-stricken.

Our group split into two for the day. I was with JC and visited a house belonging to Christian. My group members showed me how to spread the gospel to indigenous people there. Later, we visited a second house, and I knew it was my turn. As my group approached, the people looked at us. I quickly took out the evangelism booklet 'Empat Hukum Rohani' (Four Spiritual Laws) and met a woman to read through. After I finished, I then asked some questions to her, but could not seem to illicit any response. My teammate, John, tried explaining as well, but still no response from her. We felt disappointed, but praise the Lord that her husband responded well. We felt delighted to be accepted. We then continued visiting others, and were glad to find most of them were already Christians. When we asked them about their belief in God, they responded excitedly with tears flowing from their eyes. Their desires to know more about God as well as their expressions encouraged me.

After all that, we went home. After lunch break, we went to visit another area behind Tudan Church. Gabriel and some Tudan church mates were in my group. We walked. The people of that area were more unwelcoming as compared to the villagers in the garbage dump. They closed their doors tightly despite being at home. However, we successfully visited six houses. Four of them said that they believed while two others were still deciding. We felt encouraged to hear some of their decisions. I felt that our toils for this evangelism trip were worth it.

In conclusion, God loves us, and this we know very well. However, most people are blinded by material possessions, and they could not feel God's love. Through this journey, I found that indigenous people, being poorer as compared to city people, desired more for God's love. God's love is fair to everyone. He does not care how rich or poor a human is. Everyone has the privilege to receive God's love and care. This mission trip taught me a big lesson: we have the responsibility to spread the gospel to needy people. Although there are obstacles from spreading the gospel, if we trust that God is with us, we can overcome every obstructions. PRAISE TO OUR FATHER GOD!

(Amended by Peter W)

Tudan Methodist Church