Saturday, May 24, 2014

青春无悔 No Apologies

悔 No Apologies


Thursday, May 22, 2014

我要效法的不是这世界,而是我所相信的神 by Alvina

2013412,我做了此生第一件疯狂的事。别人以为我疯了,我却知道这是我不在父母的带领下做的最对的决定: 我参加Go Bald for Cancer剃光我的头发。做这个的原因不是任性、不是想引人注意,这是因为从小看见癌症病童或大人在为他们生命奋斗时和在别人取笑看不起的时候,我却无力帮忙或是停止别人对他们的讥笑,所以我就决定参加这个活动来支持他们。当然,我也想学习更加谦卑自己,也为神做更美好的见证。
我很伤心,因为我听到有人说我的头发很便宜,随随便便就可以为人剃,可是有谁知道我在过去20年为了我的头发下了多少功夫去保护? 难道我做这个行动是更让人看不起我吗? 当然也有人约我隔年再去剃光头,我首先会问为什么。但我得到的答案总是让人失望,因为希望有人陪,才敢去剃! 试问我好不容易留长的头发是为了给你更多勇气而去剃的吗? 我很生气那些人到底明不明白这个活动的意义啊!
今天会有写这篇見證的感动是因为有个不那么熟可是在信仰上很坚定的朋友愿意跟我分享她也有这样的感动去参加这个Go Bald。我觉得很奇妙,在我走出来后,竟听到身旁的朋友参加的目的不是茫然跟随,而是真的有这份感动,希望她父母也能像我父母一样支持。我真的希望每个人参加这项行动是为了给癌症病患勇气去做的。我当然也会为这些病患尽一份心意,但不再是透过剃头发的方式来支持他们,因为我答应我爱的家人们要好好爱护这重新开始的头发,见证做一次就够了,不要为了别人再次去盲目做。 

有一个人祂可以,祂的名字叫耶稣 by WCC


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Life in STMS English by SK

            First of all, I would like to give thanks to God for giving me this opportunity to join this two months short-term mission school (STMS). Before I decided to register, I was struggling and thinking whether my parents would let me go. Finally I made up my decision and called my parents to ask them and my parents actually agreed to let me go.
            This STMS was really memorable to me. Two months were like a blink of an eye, we had only started to build up our relationships, and the next thing I know, we were graduating. I still remembered the first time when we entered into the Methodist Theological School (MTS), we did not even know who our room-mates or classmates were, and now we had become good friends.
            MTS is a fun but also a disciplined place. We had specific activities at specific times during our stay in MTS. We had Morning Worship at 5.15 am every morning at Wesley Methodist Church from Tuesday to Friday. We also have recreation and gardening on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.We also go evangelism at the General Hospital, Central Market or Schools on Friday afternoon. These are all compulsory for all the students. On Saturdays, after breakfast, we had to clean the kitchen and our own hostels. This is the time when young people, who had never done chores before, learn to do them. We would help one another because MTS emphasizes on life as a group.
            This year, there is a significant change in STMS English. There is an increase in numbers of participants, from a mere 10 students to 27 students, and the duration had been extended to two months. The course includes Bible Study and Christian Living, Spiritual formation, Evangelism Training, Introduction to Missions and Choir, all which helps a young Christian to grow spiritually. Overall, we had to do assignments including reading books and writing book reports, writing spiritual journals and etc. We also had field trips to Wong NaiSiong Garden and James Hoover Memorial Park to learn the Methodist Church Heritage in Sibu and write a reflection paper of what we had learned. We also had an outdoor class at Jubilee Park Sibu where we learn to listen to God. Through these works and assignments, we had learned about the mission fields, how to read the Bible and pray, and learn to evangelize to people.
9th Batch English Short Term Mission School Group Photo

            Apart from our usual Thursday prayer meetings, we would also have English vespers lead by STMS English students on Tuesday evenings. Personally, I serve in the Chinese church and normally pray in Mandarin, but during my time in STMS, I had learned to pray not only in Mandarin but also in English.
            All the students of MTS are assigned to different churches in Sibu and Sarikei for their weekend church exposure. Since there are only one English-speaking church in Sibu and one in Sarikei, so most of the STMS English students are assigned to churches with BM Ministry. I was assigned to Nyelong Park Methodist Church in Sarikei, together with 3 more STMS English student and also a Theological student. We would attend their English Small Group, English Service and also join their longhouse ministry. It was really a fruitful experience.
STMS students with Church leaders of Nyelong Park Methodist Church, Sarikei

Visit to RumahEntagau (NPMC’s Longhouse Ministry)

            During this time in STMS, every one of us (including the Chinese and Music STMS students), is assigned into family groups which are supervised by MTS full-time lecturers, and led by a Theological student. We would have group devotion on Thursday mornings and would join our sport and gardening activities as a group. As I left MTS, I missed the family groups the most. We were not close when we started, but after the short-term mission trip, we had grown closer and would show our true colours to one another. Our group leader had also done quite a good job caring for each and every one of us. Now, we still communicate with one another through WeChat, to know how’s everyone doing and would pray for one another.

Ms. Irene Lai’s Family Group

Short Term Mission Trip to Yuan Nan Methodist Church and Tin Ann Methodist Church

            Thank God that He had encouraged me through my lecturers, group leader and friends to continue to serve God in church using the gifts that He had given me and I would someday give myself to Him to do full-time ministry. I did not regret joining the STMS course and I thank God that He had opened a way for me when I was struggling with the decision. So I urge you all to join STMS while you still can, because it is worth it. You will learn to communicate with people, evangelize to non-believers, and learn to live as a group while you are away from home. Age is not a problem. I’m already 25 and I’m still able to get along with the young brothers and sisters. There are even a couple of people who are older than me, but still able to get along well. You can too.