Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Holy Matrimony of Ps. Wong Lik Kai & Ps. Connie Yong

Date: 17th February 2010
Time: 0930AM
Venue: Sing Ang Methodist Church, Sibu
All are invited to testify this wedding and enjoy lunch after service at the above mentioned church.
We all would like to extend our LOUDEST CONGRATULATIONS to Ps. Wong and Ps. Connie Yong!! =)

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Story Worth Sharing

Father John Powell, a professor at Loyola University in Chicago,writes about a student in his Theology of Faith class named Tommy:

Some twelve years ago, I stood watching my university students fileinto the classroom for our first session in the Theology ofFaith.That was the day I first saw Tommy.My eyes and my mind both blinked. He was combing his long flaxen hair,which hung six inchesbelow his shoulders. It was the first time I had ever seen a boy withhair that long. I guess it was just coming into fashion then. I knowin my mind that it isn't what's on your head but what's in it thatcounts; but on that day I was unprepared and my emotions flipped. Iimmediately filedTommy under "S" for strange... Very strange.Tommy turned out to be the "atheist in residence" in my Theology ofFaith course. He constantly objected to, smirked at, or whined aboutthe possibility of an unconditionally loving Father/God. We lived with each other in relative peace for one semester, although I admithe was for me attimes a serious pain in the back pew.

When he came up at the end of the course to turn in his final exam, heasked in a cynical tone, "Do you think I'll ever find God?" I decidedinstantly on a little shock therapy."No!" I said very emphatically."Why not," he responded,"I thought that was the product you were pushing." I let him get fivesteps from the classroom door and then called out,"Tommy! I don't think you'll ever find Him, but I am absolutelycertain that He will find you!" He shrugged a little and left myclass.I felt slightly disappointed at the thought that he had missed myclever line -- He will find you!At least I thought it was clever.

Later, I heard that Tommy had graduated, and I was duly grateful.Then a sad report came.I heard that Tommy had terminal cancer. Before I could search him out, he came to see me. When he walked into my office, his body wasvery badly wasted and the long hair had allfallen out as a result of chemotherapy.. But his eyes were bright andhis voice was firm,for the first time, I believe."Tommy, I've thought about you so often; I hear you are sick," I blurted out."Oh, yes, very sick. I have cancer in both lungs. It's a matter ofweeks." Tommy replied."Can you talk about it, Tom?" I asked."Sure, what would you like to know?" he replied."What's it like to be only twenty-four and dying?""Well, it could be worse.""Like what?""Well, like being fifty and having no values or ideals, like beingfifty and thinking that booze, seducing women, and making money arethe real biggies in life.."I began to look through my metal file cabinet under "S" where I hadfiled Tommy as strange.(It seems as though everybody I try to reject by classification, Godsends back into my life to educate me.) "But what I really came to see you about," Tom said, "is somethingyou said to me on the last day of class." (He remembered!)He continued, "I asked you if you thought I would ever find God andyou said, 'No!' which surprised me.Then you said, 'But He will find you.' I thought about that a lot,even though my search for God was hardly intense at that time. (Myclever line. He thought about that a lot!) ."But when the doctors removed a lump from my groin and told me that itwas malignant, that's when I got serious about locating God..And when the malignancy spread into my vital organs, I really beganbanging bloody fistsagainst the bronze doors of heaven. But God did not come out.In fact, nothing happened. Did you ever try anything for a long timewith great effort and with no success? You get psychologicallyglutted, fed up with trying. And then you quit.....Well, one day I woke up, and instead of throwing a few more futileappeals over that high brick wall to a God who may be or may not bethere, I just quit.I decided that I didn't really care about God, about an after life,or anything like that. I decided to spend what time I had left doingsomething more profitable.

I thought about you and your class and I remembered something else youhad said:: " The essential sadness is to go through life withoutloving. But it would be almost equally sad to go through life andleave this world without ever telling those you loved that you hadloved them.'"So, I began with the hardest one, my Dad. He was reading the newspaperwhen I approached him. "Dad.""Yes, what?" he asked without lowering the newspaper."Dad, I would like to talk with you.""Well, talk.""I mean . It's really important."The newspaper came down three slow inches. " What is it?""Dad, I love you, I just wanted you to know that." Tom smiled at meand said it with obvious satisfaction, as though he felt a warm andsecret joy flowing inside of him."The newspaper fluttered to the floor. Then my father did two things Icould never remember him ever doing before. He cried and he huggedme. We talked all night, even though he had to go to work the nextmorning. It felt so good to be close to my father, to see his tears,to feel his hug, to hear him say that he loved me."" It was easier with my mother and little brother. They cried withme, too, and we hugged eachother, and started saying real nice things to each other. We sharedthe things we had been keeping secret for so many years."I was only sorry about one thing --- that I had waited so long. Here Iwas, just beginning to open up to all the people I had actually beenclose to. "Then, one day I turned around and God was there. He didn'tcome to me when I pleaded with Him. I guess I was like an animaltrainerholding out a hoop, 'C'mon, jump through C'mon, I'll give you threedays, three weeks.'""Apparently God does things in His own way and at His own hour....Butthe important thing is that He was there. He found me...! You wereright.....He found me even after I stopped looking for Him."

"Tommy," I practically gasped,"I think you are saying something very important and much moreuniversal than you realize.To me, at least, you are saying that the surest way to find God is notto make Him a private possession, a problem solver, or an instantconsolation in time of need, but rather by opening to love.You know, the Apostle John said that... He said: "God is love, andanyone who lives in love is living with God and God is living inhim.''"Tom, could I ask you a favor? You know, when I had you in class youwere a real pain. But (laughingly) you can make it all up to me now.Would you come into my present Theology of Faith course and tell themwhat you have just told me? If I told them the same thing itwouldn't be half as effective as if you were to tell it.""Oooh.. I was ready for you, but I don't know if I'm ready for your class.""Tom, think about it. If and when you are ready, give me a call."

In a few days Tom called, said he was ready for the class, that hewanted to do that for God and for me. So we scheduled a date.However, he never made it. He had another appointment, far moreimportant than the one with me and my class. Of course, his life wasnot really ended by his death, only changed. He made the great stepfrom faith into vision. He found a life far more beautiful than theeye of man has ever seen or the ear of man has ever heard or the mindof man has ever imagined.

Before he died, we talked one last time."I'm not going to make it to your class," he said."I know, Tom.""Will you tell them for me? Will you ...tell the whole world for me?""I will, Tom. I'll tell them. I'll do my best."So, to all of you who have been kind enough to read this simple storyabout God's love, thank you for listening. And to you, Tommy,somewhere in the sunlit, verdant hills of heaven --- I told them,Tommy, as best I could.If this story means anything to you, please pass it on to a friend ortwo. It is a true story and is not enhanced for publicity purposes.

With thanks,Rev. John Powell, Professor, Loyola University ,Chicago

Monday, August 17, 2009

Church Camp by Chinese Fellowship

Interested, do contact Edwin (016-5898182) or ShaoWei (016-8005654).

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rosa Sweet talks on "Forgiveness"

Forgiveness: What it is and What it Isn't

Why do we find it so hard to forgive?

One reason we resist forgiving is that we don't really understand what forgiveness is or how it works. We think we do, but we don't.

Most of us assume that if we forgive our offenders, they are let off the hook — scot-free — and get to go about their merry ways while we unfairly suffer from their actions. We also may think that we have to be friendly with them again, or go back to the old relationship.

While God commands us to forgive others, he never told us to keep trusting those who violated our trust or even to like being around those who hurt us.

The first step to understanding forgiveness is learning what it is and isn't. The next step is giving yourself permission to forgive and forget, letting go of the bitterness while remembering very clearly your rights to healthy boundaries.

Granting forgiveness

  • Forgiveness is not letting the offender off the hook . We can and should still hold others accountable for their actions or lack of actions.

  • Forgiveness is returning to God the right to take care of justice. By refusing to transfer the right to exact punishment or revenge, we are telling God we don't trust him to take care of matters.

  • Forgiveness is not letting the offense recur again and again. We don't have to tolerate, nor should we keep ourselves open to, lack of respect or any form of abuse.

  • Forgiveness does not mean we have to revert to being the victim. Forgiving is not saying, "What you did was okay, so go ahead and walk all over me." Nor is it playing the martyr, enjoying the performance of forgiving people because it perpetuates our victim role.

  • Forgiveness is not the same as reconciling. We can forgive someone even if we never can get along with him again.

  • Forgiveness is a process, not an event. It might take some time to work through our emotional problems before we can truly forgive. As soon as we can, we should decide to forgive, but it probably is not going to happen right after a tragic divorce. That's okay.

  • We have to forgive every time. If we find ourselves constantly forgiving, though, we might need to take a look at the dance we are doing with the other person that sets us up to be continually hurt, attacked, or abused.

  • Forgetting does not mean denying reality or ignoring repeated offenses. Some people are obnoxious, mean-spirited, apathetic, or unreliable. They never will change. We need to change the way we respond to them and quit expecting them to be different.

  • Forgiveness is not based on others' actions but on our attitude. People will continue to hurt us through life. We either can look outward at them or stay stuck and angry, or we can begin to keep our minds on our loving relationship with God, knowing and trusting in what is good.

  • If they don't repent, we still have to forgive. Even if they never ask, we need to forgive. We should memorize and repeat over and over: Forgiveness is about our attitude, not their action.

  • We don't always have to tell them we have forgiven them. Self-righteously announcing our gracious forgiveness to someone who has not asked to be forgiven may be a manipulation to make them feel guilty. It also is a form of pride.

  • Withholding forgiveness is a refusal to let go of perceived power. We can feel powerful when the offender is in need of forgiveness and only we can give it. We may fear going back to being powerless if we forgive.

  • We might have to forgive more than the divorce. Post-divorce problems related to money, the kids, and schedules might result in the need to forgive again and to seek forgiveness ourselves.

  • We might forgive too quickly to avoid pain or to manipulate the situation. Forgiveness releases pain and frees us from focusing on the other person. Too often when we're in the midst of the turmoil after a divorce, we desperately look for a quick fix to make it all go away. Some women want to "hurry up" and forgive so the pain will end, or so they can get along with the other person. We have to be careful not to simply cover our wounds and retard the healing process.

  • We might be pressured into false forgiveness before we are ready. When we feel obligated or we forgive just so others will still like us, accept us, or not think badly of us, it's not true forgiveness — it's a performance to avoid rejection. Give yourself permission to do it right. Maybe all you can offer today is, “I want to forgive you, but right now I'm struggling emotionally. I promise I will work on it.”

  • Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It's normal for memories to be triggered in the future. When thoughts of past hurts occur, it's what we do with them that counts. When we find ourselves focusing on a past offense, we can learn to say, "Thank you, God, for this reminder of how important forgiveness is."

  • Forgiveness starts with a mental decision. The emotional part of forgiveness is finally being able to let go of the resentment. Emotional healing may or may not follow quickly after we forgive.

More photos from English Fellowship Welcoming Dinner

More photos from English Fellowship Welcoming Dinner by Uncle James Wong. Do visit his blog for more photos,

Monday, August 3, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

撒但的聚會(就算你很忙也需要讀一讀), 基督徒必讀



讓他們去吧!我們所要做的就是竊取他們的時間,讓他們沒有時間來與他們的主親近聯結 …這就是我要你們做的!」又說:「叫這些人無法和他們的救主有天天緊密的聯結。」惡魔邪靈大喊:「我們該怎麼做?」撒但回答說:「讓他們忙碌啊!讓他們為了生活上的小事忙碌,製造無盡的虛華來佔滿他們的腦袋!引誘他們去花錢!盡情地花錢吧!讓他們因花錢而不停地賺錢、借錢吧!







叫他們沒有時間去看神所創造的大自然。讓學生們忙於課業成績, 疏於靈修祈禱 ,反而振振有詞的聲稱是為將來能服事人,是為光榮天主的名。讓他們忙碌、忙碌、忙碌!



越趕,讓他們來回奔走,沒有時間敬拜神或陪伴自己的家人,也沒有時間傳福音救更多的人。我想,我的疑問是:撒但的計劃成功了嗎?答案就看你自己!難道,忙-正代表了「服在撒但的軛下」?註: BUSY- Being Under Satan's Yoke

Monday, July 20, 2009

2009_07_17-19 - Bintulu Mission Trip

Photos from Bintulu Mission Trip. First day, we had UPM students joining us in our one-day program held in Emmanuel Methodist Church (EMC). Second day, went to Sg. Plan Methodist Preaching Centre to preach to the secondary school students there.

It was really a great experience!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

见证篇 by Pastor Connie



Sunday, July 5, 2009

More videos from SMCGC 6th Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration

More videos from SMCGC 6th Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration. Thanks to longeryu. =)

Introduction to SMCGC 6th Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration

Give Thanks Fanfare (Piano Duo) by Jeremy and Tina

Tambourine Dance by SMCGC girls (Yiyin, Janet, Angnes, Mary, Carrie, Yiling, Shaowei and Linda)

Friday, July 3, 2009

《加帛短宣-信心之旅》by Yu Ling 梁玉玲


美里禧纳定校园福音中心,SMCGC (Senadin Methodist Campus Gospel Centre) 於6月20日至26日,在教会牧者杨锦凤传道和木山工场的陈俊杰传道带领之下,我们11位第二届门徒班的科廷大学生来到了加帛木山营短宣。此短宣的主题为“信心的翅膀”。

我们在6月21日至25日,以一天一营(camp)的方式去了Amang Camp, Pelagus Camp, Nanga Balleh Camp, Garu Camp 和Simpileh Camp。这五个camp 就是我们进行五个布道晚会的地点。每晚布道会的节目包括舞蹈、敬拜赞美、见证分享、证道、戏剧、播放诗歌影片、献诗和呼召。布道会开始前,我们13人都会聚集在一起祷告,之后就同声宣告“13门徒,为主奋斗!靠主得胜!”,来展开我们的奋斗。


我们在第二个营,Pelagus Camp时,硬盘(Hard Disk)突然坏了,所有须在布道会引用的资料全都流失了,当时我们突然紧张起来。感谢主,短宣队长刘本樟弟兄在前一晚就有感动要把资料另存在电脑里,而其他队员也有部分的资料存底。当时候,我们就赶紧地收集了所有的资料,布道会也很顺利地进行了。

去到不同的camp时,我们会逐家去邀请那儿的居民或工友民们参与晚上的布道会,这过程又是另一个信心的考验。在邀请的当儿,曾有人说“如果等下有下雨,我就会去”。据知,木山已经一个月没下雨了,我们就向主祈求下雨好让工友们早点儿收工,准备参与晚上的布道会。感谢主,他应允了我们的祷告,当天傍晚就下雨了。当走到长屋邀请伊班朋友时,他们都会说“au ”(“是的”意思)。跟据陈传道分析,他们有时答应了也不一定会出席。但感谢主,当我们看见许多伊班朋友出席时,我们真的感到无比欢喜。

在Simpileh Camp时,我们也拜访了那儿的小学,那间小学共有157位学生,九成是伊班人。据老师透露,不曾有外人去探望他们,我们是第一队。很感恩,我们有机会参与学生事工。我们带领孩子们玩游戏和唱诗歌,也播放伊班语的耶稣传,让他们认识耶稣及他的救恩。当陈传道呼召的时候,所有的学生都站立表明愿意祷告接受耶稣成为他们的救主。

我们从美里一路搭7小时多的车程到诗巫,三小时的船到加帛,在木山里坐车坐船到不同的营,都是为了主福音的缘故。在木山里,我们每一天从早晨开始都得搭车,有时搭船,从一个营到另外一个营,有时要站在车(Pick Up)后“吃灰尘”、暴晒太阳到脱皮又变黑、撞车握把撞到淤青、有时被淋雨。虽然如此,这些若比起耶稣所受的苦,我们所经历的只不过是犹如沙石小的事,我们也深信将来必得着神的赏赐,得着荣耀。我们深被保罗的一句话所激励,【我想,现在的苦楚若比起将来要显与我们的荣耀就不足介意了。】(罗马书8:18)。我们每晚都睡不同的地方,感谢主,几天后,大家都习惯了且睡得很香甜。弟兄们都很主动、甘心乐意地帮助姐妹们拿行李包、扶她们上下车和船、照顾她们的安全,这让姐妹们感动不已。木山的工友们也很热情的欢迎我们。透过这次的短宣,我们一共接触了大约330位当地的居民及工友们。感谢神使用我们为他传扬福音的真理。主为我们所预备的真是超乎我们所能想象的,真是福杯满溢啊!


朋友 (Kapit Mission Trip Version)













简短的见证篇 江政和2009 ©




《另一方的约定》 by Yu Ling 梁玉玲



从那一方(黑暗~ 魔鬼)
转向另一方(光明~ 三位一体真神)。。。


Testimony by Siew Wei 陈绍微



这个学期最值得感恩赞美的是~我 受洗+入会 了!
就在2009年6月14日 那一天

用虔诚、 敬畏的心事奉神。] 希伯来书12:28
[甘心事奉,好像服事主,不像服事人。] 以弗所书6:7

[我们各人蒙恩, 都是照基督所量给各人的恩赐。] 以弗所书4:7


好比说,去参加 晨祷会,


清洁上,都作信徒的榜样。] 提摩太前书4:12

信实、温柔、节制。这样的事没有律法禁止。] 加拉太书 5:22-23


生命作赌注 by Alvin Chung

“来自PERTH 的一封信”
这是Alvin正在Perth求学所面对的生活点滴。他说,学校附近就有许多Clubbing的地方,也有一间很大间的Casino,他常被同学邀请去这些地方,但他都拒绝了。以下是他在面对这过程中所得到的感想、心得! Ps Connie Yong

~ 以弗所书 2: 2 ~


赌博 — 我想每个人都曾赌过吧。。。

一, “赌”耶稣是真的。这就是我的立场。





Alvin Chung
亲爱的弟兄姐妹大家主里平安. 我是何暐典, 今天我要跟你们分享我生命的见证.

接近20年前, 我母亲怀了我. 在怀孕我3个月的时候, 医生证实了我母亲患上了德国麻症, 英文称为Rubella. 医生说, 80%的婴儿会因为母亲患上Rubella而瞎眼或造成耳聋. 那时候许多妇女也面对着同样的情况.

知道这消息后, 全家人都很伤心. 医生曾建议我母亲打掉我, 就是说要我母亲去堕胎. 但是, 我全家都反对这么做, 因为一个胎儿也有神所赐的生命. 他们相信神有祂奇妙的计划在我身上. 因此他们都决定不堕胎.

我全家人都很迫切地为这件事祷告, 向上帝祈求, 包括我在外国的姑姑和伯伯也不断地为我祷告. 有时候, 我母亲会因为这病而昏倒, 但神依然保守着我们母子俩平安无事. 在我母亲怀孕我第7个月的时候, 她再次出麻. 虽然如此, 她相信神一定会救我们母子俩的. 同时, 全家人那时候都不停不住地向神祷告, 交托.

经过了9个月, 出产的日期终于到了. 英国的姑姑也因此赶回诗巫来等我出生. 感谢主, 我顺利地出生了. 医生为我做了检查, 很惊讶的发现我没有任何的问题或缺陷因为我没有瞎眼, 也没有耳聋. 全家因此感谢神.

圣经说: “我在母腹中, 你已覆庇我.” 这是因为我全家人都信靠上帝, 每天都向祂祷告, 并相信神有祂的计划和神迹, 是我们无法猜测到的.

从幼儿园到小学到中学到大学, 我都深深体会神的带领. 在我做决定的时候, 神带领我; 在我生病的时候, 面对困难的时候, 祂安慰我; 当我做错的时候, 祂责备我, 提醒我, 也赦免我的罪. 上帝无时无刻,都与我同在. 我也一天比一天更爱神.

我今天会存在, 会站在这里与你们分享我出生的经历, 都是因为有上帝的恩典. 如果不是上帝的原故, 我早就被堕胎了, 早就不存在了, 也不会来到这世界了. 这一切都是因为神的爱, 是神拯救了我, 阿们!

Kesaksian oleh Edwin Ho Wei Dien
Saudara and saudari, apa khabar? Name saya Edwin Ho. Hari ini ingin kongsi dengan kamu tentang kesaksian kehidupan saya,

Hampir 20 tahun yang lalu, emak saya telah mengandung saya. Pada bulan ketiga kehamilannya, doktor sahkan bahawa emak saya telah menghidapi penyakit rubella. Menurut doktor, 80% bayi yang emaknya menghidapi penyakit ini akan menjadi buta ataupun pekak. Pada masa itu, ramai ibu juga menghadapi masalah yang sama.

Selepas mengetahui perkara tersebut, seluruh ahli keluarga saya amat sedih. Doktor pernah menasihatikan emak saya untuk menggugurkan saya. Namun demikian, seluruh keluarga saya tidak setuju dengan cadangan tersebut, kerana bayi yang belum dilahirkan juga mempunyai nyawa yang dikurniakan oleh Tuhan. Mereka juga percaya bahawa Tuhan mempunyai rancangan yang istimewa untuk saya. Oleh itu, mereka tidak menggugurkan saya.

Keluarga saya berdoa bersungguh-sungguh untuk perkara ini dan merayu kepada Tuhan. Selain itu, mak cik dan pak cik saya di luar negara juga tidak berhenti-henti berdoa untuk saya. Kadangkala, emak saya pengsan disebabkan penyakit ini, namun Tuhan tetap menjaga emak dan saya supaya kedua-dua kami selamat. Biasanya rubella hanya akan berlaku sekali saja. Walaupun emak saya menghidapi rubella untuk dua kali, dia tetap percayai Tuhan akan menyelamatkan kami. Pada masa yang sama, keluarga saya tidak berhenti-henti berdoa untuk kami.

Selapas 9 bulan, sampailah masa kelahiran saya. Mak cik yang berada di England bergegas balik ke Sibu unutk menantikan kelahiran saya. Syurkur kepada Tuhan, saya telah dilahirkan dengan selamatnya. Doktok membuat checking untuk saya. Dia berasa hairan setelah mendapati bahawa saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah di mana saya tidak buta ataupun pekak. Kami sekeluarga bersyurkur kepada Tuhan untuk perkara ini.

Alkitab pernah berkata: “Engkau membentuk aku di dalam rahim ibuku.” Sebab itulah keluarga saya mempercayai Tuhan, berdoa kepada Tuhan tiap-tiap hari. Kami percayai bahawa Tuhan mempunyai rancangannya dan keajaibannya yang tidak diketahui oleh kita.

Dari tadika hingga universiti, saya dapat merasai pimpinan Tuhan dalam hidup saya. Sebelum saya mengambil sesuatu tindakan, Tuhan pimpin saya; apabila saya sakit ataupun menghadapi masalah, Tuhan menghiburkan saya; apabila melakukan sesuatu yang salah, Tuhan menegur, mengingati dan mengampunkan dosa saya. Tidak kira bila atau di mana, Tuhan tetap bersama saya. Saya juga semakin hari semakin cintakan Tuhan.

Kewujudan saya hari ini, berdiri di sini unutk mengkongsikan kisah hidup saya, semua ini berkat Tuhan. Tanpa Tuhan, saya sudahpun digugurkan, awal-awal lagi kemungkinan saya tidak wujud, tidak dapat datang ke dunia ini. Semua ini adalah atas cinta Tuhan, Tuhanlah yang menyelamatkan saya, Ah-mem!

Friday, June 26, 2009

SMCGC 6th Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration

Photos taken by Uncle James (

Piano Duo - Give Thanks Fanfare
by Jeremy Yong and Tina Wong

More videos on the way.. =)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Photos from Miri District Sports Day

Miri District Sports Day
1st May 2009

*Watch it along with the music video. It goes together pretty well. =) Presenting to you, "Running after You" by Planet Shakers.

Photos taken by Uncle James (

Sunday, April 26, 2009


For the Christians amongst us...

Did you ever realize that all the arrangements for the final journey have already been made?

Read this check-list and give thanks.

Arrangements for first-class accommodation have been made in advance.
"In My Father's house are many rooms ....... I am going there to
prepare a place for you." (John 14:2).

Persons seeking entry will not be permitted past the gates without
having proper papers/credentials and having their names registered
with the ruling Authority.
"Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is
shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the
Lamb's book of life". (Revelation 21:27).

The exact date of departure has not been announced. Travellers are
advised to be prepared to leave at short notice.
"It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by
His own authority." (Acts 1:7).

Your ticket is a written pledge that guarantees your journey. It
should be claimed and its promises kept firmly in hand.
"I tell you the truth, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent
Me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over
from death to life." (John 5:24).

Only one declaration is required while going through customs.
"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in
your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
(Romans 10:9).

All passengers are classified as immigrants, since they are taking up
permanent residence in a new country. The quota is unlimited.
".......... they were longing for a better country - a heavenly one
........ He has prepared a city for them." (Hebrews 11:16).

No luggage whatsoever is necessary.
"For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of
it." (1 Timothy 6:7).

Travelers' going directly by air are advised to watch daily for
indications of imminent departure.
"After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up
together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so
we will be with the Lord forever." (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Injections are not needed, as diseases are unknown at the destination.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death
or mourning or crying or pain......" (Revelation 21:4).

Supplies of currency may be forwarded ahead to await the passenger's
arrival. Deposit your heart, mind, soul and life.
"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust
do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Matthew

A complete and appropriate new wardrobe is provided for each traveler.
"...For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in
a robe of righteousness. ..." (Isaiah 61:10).

Resetting of watches will not be necessary to adjust to the day/night
"The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the
glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.......... for
there will be no night there." (Revelations 21:23,25).

Booking is now open. Apply at once.
"........ now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of
salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2)

The highlight of the journey is the welcoming reception and coronation
which await the arrival.
"Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the Righteous Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only
to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing." (2 Timothy

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ms. Sia's Birthday

We gave Ms. Sia a surprise bday during last discipleship class. =)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Hey people!! Just wanna remind you all of the Earth Hour tomorrow!! Do join this global event by switching off your lights from 830PM to 930PM!! Let us contribute our part in standing against climate change, global change.

Of course when it comes to mitigating or stop global warming, the to-do-list can go never ending, from switching off unnecessary lights or electrical appliances to even car-pooling which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles. However, let us all take our very first step, give our very first part by involving ourselves in this Earth Hour 2009. All we need to do is switch off our lights (best if possible, all electrical appliances) tomorrow (27th March 2009) night from 830PM - 930PM!! Guess English fellowship needs to plan something up for tomorrow night, maybe candle lit sharing session. =)

There are many things we can do during that one hour of darkness!! Take that time to reflect on the many things we might have taken for granted in our life, the readily availability of electricity, the complacent modern life we live in with as compared with people in some poorer countries who might have not ever heard about "LIGHT"!! Use that time also to say a thanksgiving prayer to our Lord. Give thanks for His blessings and provisions. Think also on how as an individual, can we contribute in preserving "OUR" Earth!! Still want more suggestions on what to do during the blackout?! Do check out the Earth Hour website.

So, remember.. lights off tomorrow 830PM to 930PM!! Let us all vote for Earth!! =)
Earth Hour is aiming to reach 1BILLION people worldwide. Please register at the website, to make your vote counts!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

2009_03_22 - SMCGC Newsletter 2

Dearest SMCGC members,

How’s life going on?! I bet everyone must be starting to get their hands dirty (if u can get what I mean). I myself am already in FYP stress!! Can you believe it?! In just Week 4, I am already working till midnight, “driving night car” (direct translation from Mandarin). Anyway, just want to remind you all to stay healthy, don’t follow my footsteps. Learn to manage your time wisely, and I’m sure we can all get through this with the grace of God!! =)

Coming up this following week and into the month of April, is the Holy week, which is the last week of Lent, the week before Easter. The time when Jesus had his last supper with his disciples, went through the crucifixion, died and resurrected. Let us prepare our hearts in commemorating all these meaningful events, and also take this chance to appreciate and be thankful of what Jesus has done for us, dying on the cross to cleanse our sins. Do take note the following programs/services,

9th April (THUR), 730PM - Maundy Thursday/Last Supper Service (Mandarin)
10th April (FRI), 730PM - Good Friday Service (English)
12th April (SUN), 800AM - Easter Sunday Service (Mandarin)
12th April (SUN), 1000AM - Easter Sunday Service (English)

Also coming up is the “Sexual & Intimacy” talk organized by the Mandarin fellowship, on 27th March (FRI), 730PM. Come and learn how the Bible teaches us on handling sexual and intimacy issues in our relationships. Do invite your friends to join too.

Mandarin fellowship will also be organizing a one day trip to Bekenu Beach on 18th April (SAT), 800AM to 400PM. This will be something filled with sun, fun, and water!! If interested, please register with Sis. Angnes Tiong. Registration fee is just RM10. Limited seats, so be fast!!

The District mini sports day is on 1st May (FRI), 700AM to 1200PM. SMCGC is forming a team to represent in the games. If you have the gut, the stamina, or just looking for plain FUN and sweats, do sign up with bro. Ryan Lau.

SMCGC is also planning a short term mission trip to Sungai Plan and University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Bintulu from 17th to 19th of July. The mission team is still lacking of 4 members. If you can speak English and Bahasa Malaysia, and have the burden to do mission, please register with Pastor Connie.

That’s all from me for now. I pray that God’s blessing will be upon all of us, no matter in our studies, our work, our spiritual growth and our physical health conditions.. May God also empower us to do good in everything, to live a Holy Christian life, so as to able to touch the hearts of others who are in need of God’s love. Amen!!

Jeremy Yong
Secretary of Senadin Methodist Campus Gospel Centre

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Found these pics from church's desktop.. from not so long time ago.. =)

We miss Alvin, Eve, Fenice, PengHi and Wilson!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

2009_03_07 - English Fellowship Welcoming Dinner

English fellowship welcoming dinner party on 7th March 2009. Lots of "MAKAN" (food) and fun!! Check out photos taken by our beloved Uncle James.

Nice photos right?! Of course, we had a professional photographer!! Check out more in Uncle James' blog (

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Everyone is invited to the welcoming dinner party. =)
For Chinese fellowship:
Date: 6th March 2009
Time: 630PM

For English fellowship:
(refer poster above)
Date: 7th March 2009
Time: 630PM

See you all there!! Lots of MAKAN MAKAN and MAIN MAIN!! =)

Monday, March 2, 2009

SMCGC Choir First Presentation

SMCGC Choir, founded by 青祐 (ChingYaw), presented its debut in the Chinese Sunday service on 1st March 2009. They did an awesomely wonderful excellent job!! =)

Song Title: 我们在天上的父
Conductor: 青祐 (ChingYaw)
Pianist: Jeremy

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Testimony by Ee Yin 依颖的见证篇


少年时期升上中学,很自然就跟着去参加少年团契,当时的我根本不明白,也不了解那么做是为了什么,甚至不明白人生的意义.我一心只是想说跟去玩玩.就因为这种不对的心态, 很快的, 我对团契感到厌倦, 因为我觉得, 在团契里, 我找不到我要的东西, 我得不到关爱.就这样我变得很少去团契, 再来就是没有去团契了

但是上帝祂就是没有因此而离弃我,祂差派天使,也就是团契里的弟兄姐妹来探访我,带我回到团契里.重新回到团契 , 上帝让我的生命从此有了极大的改变.

上帝藉着种种的事奉,让我变得坚强,勇敢,开朗.让我这么一个原本懦弱, 怕事的一个人, 勇敢地站在台上面对着台下几百位会众, 更让我有机会成为教会的领袖, 团契的职员, 参与事工,带领团契成长,这些对我来说简直就是神迹.

生命得到更新的我,在校园里也有所改变,上帝让我转校到一间适合我的中学.也许那不是什么名校, 但是却让我的人生纪念册上留下了很多美好的回忆.上帝赐给我一群好朋友,让我中学5年成为我最怀念的五年。

上帝祂真的很奇妙, 祂总会帮我安排我前面的路, 祂的安排绝对是超乎我们所求所想的.有时候我会在想,如果我没有被造就,那今天的我会是个怎样的人,也许会在世界的某个角落等待沉沦.但是感谢神祂没有放弃我,感谢神在我最困难的时候安慰我,感谢神让我的生命从此充满色彩.哈利路亚,阿门。
