Glory to God! Miri's Senadin Methodist Campus Gospel
Center is now ten years old! To commemorate God's care and protection in these
ten years, SMCGC has held a thanksgiving cum church-building fund-raising
dinner at Boulevard Restaurant on Saturday, September 28th 2013,
with the generous participation by various churches in Miri District, numbering
up a total of 70 tables. The theme for the evening: A Decade of Your Loving
The evening kicks off with the introduction movie,
followed by the tenth anniversary theme song to praise God's grace and
guidance. Rev. Dr. Su Chi Ann, the president of Sarawak Chinese Annual
Conference (SCAC), gave his exhortation centering around four 'B's':
1. Befriend – To enhance relationship with teachers and students.
1. Befriend – To enhance relationship with teachers and students.
- Belonging – To make SMCGC as a second home for students away from their home.
- Believing – To accept Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour.
- Building – To build a new church building for SMCGC, as well as to establish personal spiritual lives.
In addition, SMCGC has arrayed a variety of programs
for the night: dance, choir, student and alumni testimonials-sharing, videos,
and even a musical.
除了歡慶十週年,校園中心也藉此機會向來賓介紹新教堂的設計藍圖。由於面臨空間的狹隘,校園中心在年會的協助下租下了隔壁店屋的單位,並於今年初擴充完畢。神的意念高過人的意念!眼看美里禧納定區的發展迅速,人口急速增長,校園中心必須預備好面對當地未來的屬靈需要。在年會和郭氏弟兄的協助下,校園中心已購得一塊地理位置極佳的土地充作建立新聖堂之用。對於校園中心的學生們來說,接下來的建堂籌款目標才是挑戰的開始。 上帝是耶和華以勒的神!神在過去十年已證明了祂的信實,神必然在接下來的歲月裡繼續看顧保守祂的教會。
Aside from celebrating the tenth anniversary, SMCGC
has also introduced the future blueprint of the new church building. Due to the
space constraint in meeting the needs of the congregation, SMCGC with the
assistance of SCAC has rented an upper shop-house unit next door and the
expansion has been completed early this year. However God's plan is further
than what we envisioned! With the rapid growth of Senadin, SMCGC has to prepare
herself for the future needs of not only students but also the local community.
With the help of annual conference and Bro Kuek, SMCGC has acquired a piece of
land for the establishment of a new church building. The next challenge for
SMCGC-ians is to raise enough funds for that dream to come true. With our God
being the Great Jehovah Jireh, the One who has provided and demonstrated His
faithfulness for the past decade, we believe He will continue to look after
SMCGC for months and years to come!
May God's name be glorified!