And a very big thank to all the brothers and sisters in SMCGC to sacrifice their time, money, and energy to make all these happen!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
10th Anniversary recap. SMCGC.
May All the Glory be to our God!
And a very big thank to all the brothers and sisters in SMCGC to sacrifice their time, money, and energy to make all these happen!
And a very big thank to all the brothers and sisters in SMCGC to sacrifice their time, money, and energy to make all these happen!
Monday, October 14, 2013
My Experience in Disciple 1 Class
About one
and a half year ago when I came to Curtin as my first year, I did not think of
taking any extra class. With the new environment of a university life I would
not want to add another “subject” to my study list, but with the encouragement
of the brothers, sisters and pastor plus with a long consideration and prayer,
I took the first step and decided to give it a try for the growth of my spiritual
life. At first it was really difficult as the disciple class requires all the
students to read a few chapters of the Bible every day and every weekend we
need to spend at least two and a half hours in class to discuss, watch a shot
video and further examine on the word of God.
In this disciple 1 course, it consists of 34 chapters;
each chapter was designed to let the reader walk through the whole Bible after
completing it. In each chapter it has a theme words which will be the subject
and direction of the lessons for the day. It is a very well organize Bible
study materials as it have a focus on our human condition related to the theme
which were related to the Bible with today’s world. Beside that it also have
the part of “The Bible Teaching” which it further explain with map, diagram or
timeline on the passage read from the Bible, along with some question related
to our current world’s situation.
Walking through the Bible with this disciple
course was not an easy task, but with God’s grace and the encouragement of all
my classmates I would say that it have come to an end of this part. With this
mind set of additional “subject” have slowly turned to a spiritual need for me;
by reading and understanding of the word of God daily it have made me more rely
on His words, His commandments and His teaching. Other than this due to the
time I needed to allocate to spend time on reading and doing the task, it helps
me in a way to manage my time more efficient.
During the first day of class there were 13 of
us, but one has left the group due to transfer of university. In this group
each has a different experience and understanding of God’s words. As the days
goes by our relationship with each other grew better as we started to care for
each other, in prayer, and also during our class we do share of our little
secret and our life journey on how God has lead and guide us. At the end of the
first year we went for a mission trip to Sebauh long house. Over there we have
the chance to share the knowledge we learn in class to the people in Sebauh
area, and most important we have the chance to bring the good news to the
people over there. Through this 34 chapter I have learn a lot and gain more
understanding, I will continue to grow and partake other courses available in
future time.
Decision, choices and opportunity are always
there for us, that is the point which will either we choose to take a step
forward and to make a life changing experience or to keep staying at the same point
and let nothing happened to our life. I have challenged myself to take this
step and I felt the changes God made in me and I have a new experience, the
experience only I can have and remember. A question for you, are you still on
the same point you were yesterday? Challenge yourself, and let God work
miracles and wonders in your life…
Sunday, October 13, 2013
2012 SMCGC 紅本門徒班終於結業了!
The Disciple One Class that starts in 2012 is officially finished today after one and a half year (12 Oct 2013). It has been a fruitful journey for every member to walk through the Bible together, sharing together, tea break together, and have fun together.
May God continue to bless these twelve disciples to build their life on the Word of God continuously.
Glory to God!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
ST Testimony
Many people are curious as to why I chose to come to Curtin Sarawak when there are many other universities in West Malaysia. I believe many West Malaysian students will reply the same thing:
“We've been 'cheated' by agents to come!”
Indeed I am one of the 'victims',
considering that I have been rejected by every university I have applied to
after high school. Since I do not want to enter a public university, upon
consulting my education agent, I flew across the sea to this 'dismal' place. But
due to this as well, I am given the treasured opportunity to befriend my dear
Senadin Methodist Campus Gospel Center brothers-and-sisters. Before coming
here, I do not have a clear belief, just an occasional incense worship. As my
parents have no objection that I attend church, as long as I do not mix around
with delinquents. I confidently told them that they don't have to worry,
because SMCGC is filled with good people!
I remember my first day in Miri
vividly. Due to my naivety, I did not call up my landlord in advance, hence I
was forced to spend a night in the hotel. On the morrow, I tried to enter my
rented house but no avail. It so happened that my neighbor at that time, came
out and asked if there's anything he could help. And my neighbor was Pastor
Jabez Tiong, a total stranger to me at the time and the first person I got to
know in Miri. He suggested that I put my luggages at his place. As he was busy
then, he told me he was bringing me to another person's house. I don't know
about most people, but I was a little scared then, because back in my hometown,
if there were ever someone who offered to bring you to another's home, it will
be best not to follow. Because that person may end up a kidnapper, or from some
form of cult. However I had no choice then. This was indeed God's plan, to
provide an opportunity for me to learn more about Christianity. Pastor brought
me to a brother-in-Christ's home then left. I still remembered receiving an
invitation card to SMCGC from this brother. Due to both of us being strangers,
we lacked conversation topics amongst us, so we just looked at each other and
smiled awkwardly for an hour. Thank goodness it was nearing lunch time then, or
else we had to be like socially awkward penguins for even longer! The brother
brought me to meet more church brothers and sisters. After lunch we even went
down Miri town together. I was thinking to myself:
“Why are these people so different from my hometown's folks?
The people here are so friendly, so keen to help, so caring, whereas back home
people tend to be the exact opposite.”
Later on they brought me to
fellowship. At that time I brought along a curious mind, to see whether the
people in church are as warm and helpful as they are. To my surprise, it is
true! This is also the starting point of knowing Christ for me. The first
fellowship made me felt the warmth and care of my brothers and sisters in
SMCGC. SMCGC also became my second home in Miri. I remembered during a
fellowship once, a sister asked me whether I wanted to join a TOP course. She
told me that this course would help me to understand Christ better. I thought
at that time the course would resemble some sort of lecture series. I also saw
on the bulletin board the registration form for TOP 2: some sort of a
next-level course to TOP 1. Overall both sounded like fun, so I signed up.
Alas, I discovered later that, not only I had to attend the course every week,
but I also had coursework to do! However I told myself that since I had
participated, I would try my best to complete it. After the first course, some
brothers and sisters even approached me to help me with understanding the
contents of the course, and even asked me if I would trust in the Lord. It was
then I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Through God's guidance and
blessing, I successfully completed the TOP program.
Through TOP, I got to know Christ
and church more. Moreover, faith in Christ has also changed my life. Where
previously I was very quiet; I am starting to be active and involved now. Where
previously I love my family; I love and treasure them even more now.
ST 得救见证:误打误撞认识上帝
很多人会问我,为什么西马有这样多的大学,你偏偏要选择来科廷大学呢?我相信很多西马来的学生都会像我这样回答--- 被agent骗来的!没错,我的确是被agent 骗过来的,这是因为在中学毕业后,我被我所申请的大学給拒绝了。由于我不想进公立大学,在询问了agent的意见后,就飘洋过海来到了这儿。也因为这样,才让我有机会认识到禧纳定校园福音中心的弟兄姐妹。
很多人会问我,为什么西马有这样多的大学,你偏偏要选择来科廷大学呢?我相信很多西马来的学生都会像我这样回答--- 被agent骗来的!没错,我的确是被agent 骗过来的,这是因为在中学毕业后,我被我所申请的大学給拒绝了。由于我不想进公立大学,在询问了agent的意见后,就飘洋过海来到了这儿。也因为这样,才让我有机会认识到禧纳定校园福音中心的弟兄姐妹。
过后,他们还带我去参加团契。那时,我就带着一颗好奇的心去参加,也想看看教会里的人是否也是一样热情,喜欢帮人。这也是我认识基督教的起点。过后,我发现,原来是真的!参加过第一次的团契后,让我感受到在禧纳定校园福音中心里每位弟兄姐妹的热情和关怀。校园福音中心 也因此成了我来到美里的第二个家。还记得有一次团契,一位姐妹问我要不要参加顶峰一课程。她说参加这课程可让我更加认识基督教。那时,我以为这课程是类似讲座之类的,只要去听一两个小时就可以了。我还看到布告栏上张贴的顶峰一课程报名表旁还有一张顶峰二课程的报名表格。原来上完这课程后还可“升级”去参加另一个课程,好像很好玩,所以就报了名。结果去上了第一堂课的时候,我才发现原来是每个星期都要上课,还要做功课的呢!那时,我对我自己说,既然参加了,就努力去完成它吧!上了第一堂课后,几位弟兄姐妹来探访我,问我明不明白上课的内容并问我是否愿意信主。那时我欣然地接受耶稣成为我的救主。最后,透过神的带领与眷顾,我也成功完成了顶峰一课程。
我名叫 CWK,
每次当我说到这裡的时候,别人常会问我说: “西马有这么多的大学,為什麼你要来到美里念书呢?” 接着他们就会说: “你们是不是都觉得我们都住在树上?但我们的树都是有电梯的哦,哈哈哈…….” 接着,大家就会一起哈哈大笑, 然后继续乱哈拉一番。
我是一位我行我素,脾气暴燥,常和朋友在外鬼混, 不爱回家的一个孩子。每次回到家跟家人见面的时候,我们都会吵架。我们几乎不曾一起快快乐乐的在同一张餐桌上吃晚餐。 主要是因為在我小学的时候所发生的一件事,导致我们家从此不再一样了。
因此家庭破碎,家人每天都在吵,很不愉快。不久后,我爸离开了。 接着,我哥也离开了我们,不跟我們一起住,只留下我妈和十二歲的我。
有一天,我爸突然回来了。但回来後,他就跟我妈大吵一番, 把我妈气得出去了,家里只剩我跟我爸两人。傍晚的時候,我们吃了晚餐。我想那应该是我爸第一次下厨吧。因為我还记得桌上有三条燒焦了的KAMPUNG鱼,一盤很咸的苞菜,和一盘煎蛋。吃饱后,我就坐在沙发上看新闻。而我爸就坐在我斜对面的楼梯口,手扶著頭像在休息或沉思一般。一切看似很正常。当下的我很开心,因为爸爸回来了。
坐在沙发上的我不能接受眼前所见的。我控制不住,也静静地流下了眼泪。 我看得出我爸真的很伤心,也很后悔。然而, 他却改变不了那已发生的事情。我不願看见爸爸伤心的样子,就说:
“我们吃木瓜吧” 。因為我记得爸爸最爱切水果给我们吃。他就突然站了起来,对我笑了一下,就切木瓜去了。而那是我第一次也是最后一次看见爸爸流眼泪。
但是,隔天我爸还是离开了这个家。不久后, 我哥搬回来住了。在那段期间,有人离开,有人回来,家里都被搞得鸡犬不宁,很糟糕。我当下真的觉得很无助,所以我选择了逃避,不想回家。
name,于是楊傳道就帮我取了REI这个名字,意思是:要常常喜乐。我听到的时候,很惊讶,也很高兴,感觉就好像传道送了一份很珍贵的礼物给我 。當時也因着校园中心这群弟兄姐妹,讓我覺得在美里這個地方很溫暖,有家的感覺。
林书豪也说“當我們成功,在很舒服的環境下生活的時候,要說萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處是很容易的。但是在我生命當中的挫敗和失望當中,我也仍然可以述說這節經文是真實的。在我人生的過程當中,我可以看見 神的手掌權在我生命裡面祂使用任何環境,不論我當下認為是好的或者是不好的環境,都成為與我生命有益處的。”
我真的很感谢主透过这种途径,让我认识耶稣。虽然过程中并非如我自己所想象的一样, 但我知道,我在上帝眼裡都是獨一無二的,都是最寶貝的。現在不論我遇見什麼問題,不論當下我認為是好的或不好的,我都依然信靠主。我不再懼怕,因為我相信主會在我生命中掌權。
感谢主, 愿一切的荣耀都归于在天上的父。
CWK Testimony : All things God works for the good of those who love Him
Every time I mentioned that, people tend to ask:
“There are so many universities in West Malaysia, why do you
choose to come to the East to Miri for studies?”
Then people will usually ask:
“Do you feel that we are living on trees? Then again our
trees have elevators. Ha ha ha...”
And thus most will laugh, and that's how the joke usually
However personally for me, I really do not know how to answer that question.
However personally for me, I really do not know how to answer that question.
Because the main reason I chose to come here to to
Before I came to Miri, I was a very
rebellious person, with bad temper, often hanging out with friends til' the wee
hours: a child who does not like to go home. Every time I returned home I would
be quarreling with my family members. We basically never had the chance to
happily sit down and had a meal together on the same table. This is due to an
incident when I was still in primary school, which resulted in my family never
being the same ever again.
The truth is, my father had an affair.
Since then my family fragmented,
with everyday being filled with quarrels and unpleasantness. Shortly after my
father left us, my older brother also left, thus leaving behind my mother and
the twelve-year-old me.
One day, my father suddenly
returned. His return triggered a big fight with my mother, who later got so
angry that she left the house, leaving me alone with my father. When evening
came, we had dinner together: my dad and I. I think it was the first time my
dad ever cooked, because I vividly remembered three charred kampung
fish, a very salty plate of cabbage, and an omelette. After the meal I was
sitting on the sofa watching news. My dad was sitting on the staircase opposite
me, his hand supporting his head as if he was resting or thinking. Everything
seemed...normal. I was really happy then, because dad was back. Alas I
discovered later that: my dad was crying. My dad, the one whom I pictured to be
dignified, strong...was shedding tears. I who was on the sofa then could not
believe the sight. I could not control myself, hard as I tried, and tears
flowed down my cheeks as well. I could see grief in my dad, as well as remorse.
He could not change the reality that rested heavily upon him. I could not bear
to watch my dad in such state, hence I broke the silence:
“Let's eat papaya.”
I remembered my dad loved cutting up fruits for us. Those long gone days.
I remembered my dad loved cutting up fruits for us. Those long gone days.
My dad stood up, smiled at me, and prepared the papayas.
That was...and still is...the first and last time I ever saw
my dad shed tears.
The next day, my dad left home. Not
long after my brother moved back. During these tumultuous times, people left
and return as they pleased, causing my home to be a mess. I felt really
helpless, and chose the one action I knew: to run away.
Yet...I want to go home.
This issue has never been resolved.
When I got the chance to enter university later on, I wished to leave my
environment behind. Hence I chose Curtin University Miri.
Here I would like to thank a dear
sister from SMCGC: CC. From the moment I befriended her during our Frisbee
days, she kept inviting me to SMCGC for worship, prayer meeting and fellowship.
I realized that I have made a lot of friends in the church, their daily deeds
and lives touched me, igniting a curiosity in me about their faith. During this
time too, a dear sister by the name of LT, due to her constant persistence
and encouragement, I joined the TOP 1 and TOP 2 courses. It was then too I have
this longing for a Christian name, hence Pastor Connie christened me with the
name 'Rei', meaning 'rejoice always'. I was pleasantly surprised, as well as
ecstatic, because I felt as if the pastor had just granted me a precious gift,
and a new identity. A huge thanks to my dear brothers and sisters in SMCGC as
well, for they are the ones that made me feel the warmth in Miri, and gave me
the feeling of home which I had longed for so long.
During my time in TOP, our brother RW asked us a life-changing question:
“Do any of you want to be baptized?”
When I heard this, my heart wanted, however there was a
strong force that prevented me from doing so. Brother RW gave us a week to
pray and consider this life-changing decision. During that time, the world was
stormed by 'Linsanity': a sudden recognition of the otherwise unknown Jeremy
Lin. A sister shared a video clip of him explaining the advent of 'Linsanity'.
Even though he encountered setbacks, and even thought of giving up on
basketball once, but whenever he recalled his journey in the NBA career, he
would think of this verse from Romans 8:28:
“And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Lin also shared that:
“When we are successful and are
comfortable in life, it is easy to say that all things work together for the
good of those who love God, however in my life of frustrations and
disappointments, I can still say that this verse holds true. Because I can see
God's hand working, using everything around me, my environment, whether the
good or bad, to benefit me.”
watching Jeremy Lin's sharing, I was deeply moved. A realization gradually
overcame my mind, that all these years, God has been knocking unceasingly on
the door to my heart, waiting patiently for me to open it up for Him. I now
understand why my life story thus far had been so, and all of these are not
mere accidents. All these hardships are not sufferings, but opportunities for
me to grow. Through my own life I can learn so much valuable experience. That
moment, I felt a full sense of serenity, because I know God is real, and I
shall not hesitate anymore. I prayed unto Him, thanking Him for His guidance in
my life, as well as for His precious gift that enabled me to come before Him,
to know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, who sacrificed himself to be nailed
on the Cross so his precious blood washed away my sin, who rose again from the
dead, to grant me eternal life.
I really
thank the Lord for using this way to let me know Christ. Although the process
leading up to this is not as what I had imagined, yet I know I am precious and
unique in His sight. Since then no matter whatever besets me, be it good or
bad, I shall trust in the Lord. I shall not fear, because I believe the Lord
reigns in my life.
Thanks be to God, and all glory be
unto Him who reigns above!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Glory to God! Miri's Senadin Methodist Campus Gospel
Center is now ten years old! To commemorate God's care and protection in these
ten years, SMCGC has held a thanksgiving cum church-building fund-raising
dinner at Boulevard Restaurant on Saturday, September 28th 2013,
with the generous participation by various churches in Miri District, numbering
up a total of 70 tables. The theme for the evening: A Decade of Your Loving
The evening kicks off with the introduction movie,
followed by the tenth anniversary theme song to praise God's grace and
guidance. Rev. Dr. Su Chi Ann, the president of Sarawak Chinese Annual
Conference (SCAC), gave his exhortation centering around four 'B's':
1. Befriend – To enhance relationship with teachers and students.
1. Befriend – To enhance relationship with teachers and students.
- Belonging – To make SMCGC as a second home for students away from their home.
- Believing – To accept Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour.
- Building – To build a new church building for SMCGC, as well as to establish personal spiritual lives.
In addition, SMCGC has arrayed a variety of programs
for the night: dance, choir, student and alumni testimonials-sharing, videos,
and even a musical.
除了歡慶十週年,校園中心也藉此機會向來賓介紹新教堂的設計藍圖。由於面臨空間的狹隘,校園中心在年會的協助下租下了隔壁店屋的單位,並於今年初擴充完畢。神的意念高過人的意念!眼看美里禧納定區的發展迅速,人口急速增長,校園中心必須預備好面對當地未來的屬靈需要。在年會和郭氏弟兄的協助下,校園中心已購得一塊地理位置極佳的土地充作建立新聖堂之用。對於校園中心的學生們來說,接下來的建堂籌款目標才是挑戰的開始。 上帝是耶和華以勒的神!神在過去十年已證明了祂的信實,神必然在接下來的歲月裡繼續看顧保守祂的教會。
Aside from celebrating the tenth anniversary, SMCGC
has also introduced the future blueprint of the new church building. Due to the
space constraint in meeting the needs of the congregation, SMCGC with the
assistance of SCAC has rented an upper shop-house unit next door and the
expansion has been completed early this year. However God's plan is further
than what we envisioned! With the rapid growth of Senadin, SMCGC has to prepare
herself for the future needs of not only students but also the local community.
With the help of annual conference and Bro Kuek, SMCGC has acquired a piece of
land for the establishment of a new church building. The next challenge for
SMCGC-ians is to raise enough funds for that dream to come true. With our God
being the Great Jehovah Jireh, the One who has provided and demonstrated His
faithfulness for the past decade, we believe He will continue to look after
SMCGC for months and years to come!
May God's name be glorified!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
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