Tuesday, October 7, 2014

生活营见证分享 by Rita






生活营见证分享 By YCL

能够参加禧纳定卫理校园福音中心第五届生活营 《品出好未来 2.0真的让我获益良多,最主要还是要感谢传道跟教会的一些弟兄姐妹们不断的邀请。从这次的生活营中,我不断得到身体上的锻炼,也学到了很多基督徒应有的品格,如诚实,信心,谦卑之类的等等。






品出好“未”来2.0 27.9.2014


美里禧納定衛理校園福音中心青年團契日前成功於92729日在國家志願警衛團訓練中心舉辦了三天兩夜的第五屆生活營《品出好未來 2.0》。 顧名思義,舉辦生活營的目的是要強調品格的重要,以期奠定大專生的未來。此生活營有四個第一次:第一次有一百位科廷大學生參加;第一次在Early Bird報名截止前滿額;第一次在志願警衛團訓練中心舉辦營會;第一次以軍營的方式來設計營會。



            看著營員們從第一天的諸多抱怨,到第三天的全力配合;第一天的冷淡到第三天的熱絡;第一天的被動到第三天的主動,真的將一切榮耀都歸於天父! 盼望每一位營員都能將滿滿的感動和學習帶回現實生活中,成為基督的精兵!














Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Spiritual Adventure by Vivien

From growing up in a Christian home, the words “short term mission” was never odd to me as I always heard of it in the church. More often than not, there will be testimony sharing by brothers or sisters in Christ to share about their experience during the mission trip. It is quite happy and a bit of envious to see everyone that went out to the world to spread gospel and work for God. As for me, I never join a mission trip before not even once. However, I always have my excuses to not joining any mission trip like lazy, busy or no friends going together, despite much persuasion by others.

Remembering back last year, I decided to register for Disciple 1 class without having much thought. In order for us to complete Disciple 1 class at SMCGC, it will take us three semesters which is equivalent to one and a half year. Upon completion of Disciple 1 class, I am graduating from my Bachelor of Degree as well. Thus, it would be a remarkable moment before I end my university life. Thus, through Disciple 1 program, I had the opportunity to participate in short term mission at Tudan Methodist Church.

During the first day of evangelism, everything went perfectly smooth. Every people we visited were friendly and willing to let us speak to them about the four spiritual laws. Throughout the evangelism, I have noticed that most of them are Christian but seldom going to church. Reasons they mentioned were being too busy working, taking care of small children and elders at home, no transportation to name a few. It is quite disheartening to note that there are many Christians out there but drawn away from God and they chose the self-directed life instead of Christ directed life.

The most unforgettable moment during this short term mission is on the second day of door-to-door evangelism. I was grouped with Mok Fei and our first stop was a Chinese family house. They had stated their religion is Buddhism but we insisted to share with them about the four spiritual laws and assure them it won’t be long. Lastly, they allowed us to enter. We knew that spreading gospel to Chinese family is not easy especially to those who are very devoted to their own religion. As I was not fluent in Mandarin, I let Mok Fei do the talking to a mother and a son. The mother is quiet throughout the session and the son continuously interrupted Mok Fei, saying that God is not fair during the time he believes in Christ and he felt helpless at all times. According to him when he was at his most helpless situation, he saw a figure (Buddha or something like that) reveals to him and sort of lend him a helping hand. Thus, he felt that he gained strength and never believes in Christ anymore as God never help him. There and then, I realized how a belief of a human to God can be easily shaken and overtaken by Satan. When the son asked us a lot of questions about his doubts to God, I do not know how to answer him. I just remain quiet throughout the time as I do not know how to handle it. Imagine my relief when Mok Fei can answer him nicely and with much patience. At that moment, I felt ashamed of myself for being unable to help Mok Fei for I have only a little knowledge about the Bible. Nevertheless, I know that this is one of the obstacles given by God to me as training to become a better Christian.

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.” Titus 2:11-12

During this mission trip at Tudan Methodist Church, God does reveal himself to me in many ways. By God’s guide:-

1. I had the little courage to share the gospel with people during the door-to-door evangelism and prayer walking.
2. I stepped out from the comfort zone to speak in front of many people.
3. Do not judge the book by its cover. Some people’s appearances might be unkempt and their surrounding was trashy and run-down but they turned out to be very friendly and most willingly to hear what we wanted to say to them.
4. I speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia whereby not everyone can actually do. This is God’s gift to me and make me realized that I had use it in a right place now.
5. He showed me about me about genuine worship with Him by waking up early for morning devotion.
6. He showed me about unity in teams working together. I thank the Lord for leading me through this mission trip together with my Disciple 1 classmates and let me achieve bit of maturity in Christian life.

All in all, I have learned a lot during short term mission at Tudan Methodist Church. To be frank, it inspires me to join more short term missions whenever possible “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose”- Philippians 2:13.

SMCGC Rubbish Game (DIFOLE) 16.9.2014

Do It For Our Lovely Earth
SMCGC organized this event to encourage her members to get involve in making the environment a better place to live in. 

[Praise & Worship: 再见,垃圾]

God has created this beautiful land, and provides all the things that we need. God created everything, and has placed us on this Earth to take care of His creation so let's us not forget about our responsibility and constantly remind ourselves to be grateful and to protect our lovely Earth.

Once again, thank you all for coming 16-9-2014 to DIFOLE
Rubbish Game) event
1.We have cleaned up to 16 big rubbish bags in less than two hours
2.We have invited more than 15 strangers to join us in cleaning our environment together
3.Students, parents, hawkers and restaurant owners around Senadin were amazed by our action. Most of them agreed with what we have done. 

Thanks be to Lord for providing us this opportunity to serve Him. Let's continue to serve Him together, from faith to action, starting from ourselves, to our family, room mates, house mates, class mates, colleagues, relatives, friends and lastly to our surrounding.

Jacobs 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. 
雅各书 226 身體沒有靈魂是死的,信心沒有行為也是死的。