Saturday, October 18, 2008

NEW: Prayer Concerns Board

I have set up a new feature in our SMCGC blog, the Prayer Concerns Board!! I'll try my best to update the prayer concerns board weekly.

What you all can do?? First, everytime you browse through this SMCGC blog, care to spend afew minutes to pray for these items. Second, if you any concerns to pray for, kindly leave a comment in the chatbox. Or if you prefer privacy and would appreciate your name not to be disclosed, email it to or any of these prayer concerns ambassadors (*winks),
Jeremy Yong ( preferably English
Carrie Wong ( your new vice secretary!!
Angnes Tiong ( social concerns (Chinese)

We'll keep your name anonymous and still post your prayer concerns on the board. =)

Let us keep the whole family in our prayers at all times!! AMEN!!